You’ll never experience a more life-changing moment than your baptism. Whether it was just yesterday, 60 years ago, or somewhere in between, there is nothing like the feeling of it and the understanding that the blood of Christ has washed away our sins and raised us from spiritual death to walk in a new life (Romans 6:3-4).
But, of course, the euphoric feeling can’t last forever. We still have our sin struggles. We still have days and even seasons when our faith wanes. That’s just the nature of our humanity.
Life’s highs and lows don’t take away from our baptism, though.
God never intended it as a high point of our lives, after which we’re left to trudge through valleys until all is made right in heaven. Rather, we can look back to our baptism as a reminder of just how good we have it each day.
Your baptism reminds you how loved you are. God loved us enough to provide the means by which our sins could be washed away, paying the ultimate price on the cross. That love doesn’t fade after our baptism. Instead, we grow to understand and appreciate it more all the time as we live the life we have for us and see more and more just how bad a path He saved us from.
Your baptism gives you confidence. Just as the blood of Jesus was strong enough to make you saved, it’s strong enough to keep you saved. There is no sin you commit that His blood can’t wash away, so long as you are willing to repent of it and put your faith in His power to forgive.
Your baptism gives you purpose. With your forgiveness secured and God’s love a constant in our lives, we can go forward living for Him. Anyone who truly appreciates the salvation Jesus gave will not take it for granted or live a half-hearted Christianity, but rather take up the cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23).
I remember mine like it was yesterday. Thank you, Jesus.