How are we to think of the good things God has given us?
Sure, we know that a sunrise or a baby’s laugh are gifts from God. But what about a football game, or a great cup of coffee, or a fun vacation, or a song that hits just right? There are four ways we can think of them:
First is materialism. We become obsessed with the things of this world, leading to a “health and wealth” Gospel in which our relationship with God is about getting more stuff.
Second is compartmentalization. Our walk with God and our enjoyment of life tend to occupy separate boxes. We go to church on Sunday to fulfill our religious duty, then the rest of the week we get back to the things we enjoy more.
Third is asceticism. “It’s all gonna burn,” and eternity matters more than this life, so we look down on anything the world has to offer.
Fourth—the correct approach—is a balanced gratitude. No, the little things in life are not our ultimate desire. But they show God’s power, His genius, His personality, and His love for us. If we enjoy them without idolizing them, they point us back to Him and bring us closer to him.
In Genesis 1-2, God didn’t just give man a home and sustenance. He also filled Eden with all kinds of trees, along with gold and gemstones. Further, He gave man the intelligence to develop nature’s good gifts into endless varieties of new blessings. Every time we see beauty or find something enjoyable in this life, it’s just another reason to give glory to Him.
So, fear God. Keep His commandments. Serve Him and the people He placed in your path. But don’t forget to enjoy the little blessings He gives to add some flavor to life. He gave us those because He loves us, and they help us appreciate Him all the more.
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